Question of the day

Write about a time when you did something that you now wish you would have done differently.

Definitely parenting. I was too easy going and kind, despite that sounding ridiculous writing..

I’ve learned that the more mean parents are to their kids, the more they remain devoted to you.

You can’t take your kids feelings into account 24/7. You need to basically, only think of your needs, and make your kids fall in line with you. Not the other way around.

Fear and respect for your parents comes from hardcore parenting.

My husband has always told me this. Looking to Hispanic and African American parents for example who do not take any crap from their kids, and are really doing it right.

It’s very hard to wrap my mind around.

Of course we only parent the best that we can. For me, I always took into account my kids wants/feelings, as I’m a very emotional feeling type of person. Much like my father.

Would I have done things differently? I would have had I knew the outcome one. But I’m also not losing sleep over it, because I’m confident that I did the best for my kids.

Life needs to the two kids that went their own way. Life will not be easy for them, but it’s what needs to happen because God is in control,

Question of the Day

How do you unwind after a demanding day?

Hmm, this sounds like my after supper or sometimes, gasp! Supper in bed while watching old 80’s reruns.

I remember my aunt telling me after you get a certain age, you fall back to the person you were as a kid. Give or take….

As a young teen I enjoyed watching 80’s sitcoms, and eating pizza in bed at night.

Well, as three quarters of my life is now over, and I’ve had many long days, I look forward to ordering a gluten free pizza from Dominoes and getting into some cotton PJ’s and watching reruns on my phone.

Amazon Prime and even YouTube, which has so many free rerun shows. Not to mention the abandoned diners, churches, schools, malls and mansion videos that are terribly interesting to watch. Bigbanz and Ethan Minnie are my favorites.

Question of the Day

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

We had a perfect life 19 years ago up in New England. We knew it, as did everyone else know it. I was constantly told how lucky we were to have the American dream at such a young age.

Then we did the unthinkable, and asked God to shake things up; and if there was more to life then what we had, to bring it on.

Like that Mercy and song, bring the rain?!

Well, the shaking up has been non-stop for nineteen years, and it has increased my trust and faith triple-fold.

Still praising the Lord in the storms.

Question of the Day

Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

Do not try to change anyone’s mind about anything. Even if you can clearly see the train wreck, let others see it for themselves in their own time. Watch in silence.

Sounds harsh, when writing, but it’s the only way to not offend anyone in today’s new world.

Question of the day

What’s the most fun way to exercise?

This year it has been doing a 5-10 mile cycling at planet Fitness with my daughter several times a week. We chat and catch up, making the time fly right by. It’s a special time for us.

Question of the day

What book could you read over and over again?

Definitely the Bible. I have only read it cover to cover 4x, but several books within it, dozens upon dozens. It is the only book that teaches me over and over again. There are always new applications within it that I learn from each time I read, despite having read it before. It truly is a magnificent-miracle, love letter to my soul.

If I’m happy when I read it, I get confidence and confirmation.

If I’m sad when I read it, I get comforted and encouraged.

And when I’m stressed and angry, I get calmed and feel loved. After I read.

Honestly, what other book can do these things?